1. File Type

2. Detecting Headers

3. Extracting Records

4. Try It

Tell us about your file.

Tell us about your file's headers.

What's the identifying information for a record?

Your file likely has many fields, but only a few that uniquely identify a record when looking for matches in another file. We call these "match keys", and use them as the basis for any match-based accuracy statistics.
Comma-separated list of columns that uniquely identify a record when looking for matches in another file. For example, 'chr,pos,ref,alt'.
If matrixed file, the x-column name will be automatically added to this.
Filters are passed in an array and evaluated consecutively. They should reference column names in your parsed dataset and be prefixed by $ (e.g. "$vaf"). When comparing against strings, make sure to quote the left side of the expression in single quotes. For example: ["'$vaf' != 'NA'", "$vaf > 0"].

Check Results on Your File


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Look good? Continue on to explore this and other files.